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Insights and resources from Torc leadership, the Torc community, and industry leaders.

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The recent acquisition of Torc by Randstad Digital marks a significant milestone in the evolution of global talent sourcing. It brings together Torc’s innovative AI-powered talent marketplace with Randstad Digital’s extensive expertise in digital transformation and global talent services. The acquisition is poised to not only enhance the talent engagement and delivery capabilities of both companies, but redefine the global landscape of digital talent recruitment, placement and retention.

Intelligent Reach and Expertise: A Perfect Match

Torc, the AI-powered talent marketplace platform, consistently provides an unparalleled talent-matching experience. With almost 30,000 highly skilled tech professionals in the Torc Community primarily focused on high-demand regions like LATAM, Randstad Digital Torc empowers businesses to connect with the right resources at the right time. 

According to Statista, there are 500K software developers in Brazil, 220K in Mexico, 115K in Argentina, and 62K in Colombia. Many of these professionals possess strong technical skills, are fluent in English, and are familiar with US business practices. This makes LATAM an ideal region for sourcing high-quality tech talent.

Torc Community member, Andrés Felipe Suárez, is a Senior Software Developer. He reflects on this advantage of working with the talent marketplace platform, “As a developer in LATAM, traditional job boards felt pretty limiting. Then I found Torc. Its AI matching system connected me with companies that were seriously looking for someone with my skill set. Now, Im exploring amazing projects that were way off the radar before.” 

A Global Powerhouse for Digital Talent

Randstad Digital, a world leader in digital enablement services, has proven talent acquisition expertise. Further amplified by Torc and its AI-driven platform, Randstad Digital Torc has become a strategic, result-oriented force across the digital talent landscape.

“The Torc acquisition strengthens Randstad’s partner for talent strategy in our Digital specialization,” says Sander van’t Noordende, CEO of Randstad. “Torc, with its enterprise-grade AI-powered talent marketplace platform redefines the talent experience and speeds delivery, strengthening Randstad Digital’s capabilities to support a client’s digital transformation.”

Torc’s CEO and Co-Founder, Michael Morris notes, “Joining Randstad Digital isn’t just a new chapter for the entire Torc network of employees, customers, partners and coveted developer community—it’s a transformational leap in global talent sourcing capabilities that promises unmatched innovation, speed and scalability.”

Benefits Beyond Borders

Randstad Digital Torc unlocks a multitude of benefits for stakeholders within the talent ecosystem.

  • For Businesses: U.S. companies have increased their year-on-year hiring in LATAM by 50% in 2023. Randstad Digital’s established expertise in talent acquisition, combined with Torc’s AI-driven matching, ensures efficient identification and placement of the right talent for specific project needs. This translates to faster project execution, reduced costs associated with talent acquisition, and a more competitive edge in the digital marketplace.
  • For Talent: The union of Torc and Randstad Digital empowers talent with greater visibility, access to a wider range of projects, and the potential to connect with leading companies across the globe. Fernando Vieira, Senior Software Engineer at Torc, highlights this positive impact, “The integration with Randstad Digital opens doors to a much wider range of opportunities. It allows me to showcase my skills to a global audience of potential employers.”
  • For the Industry: This alliance sets a new standard for talent acquisition within the digital space. According to a Deloitte survey on global outsourcing, 87% of IT companies plan to use nearshore software development to help with cost savings. This trend underscores the growing recognition of LATAM's talent pool and its strategic importance in the global tech industry.

A Shared Vision for Talent

Randstad Digital Torc’s commitment to revolutionizing the way businesses source and connect with digital talent:

  • Delivers measurable efficiency and speed in talent acquisition.
  • Connects companies with the most qualified digital professionals to fill jobs on-demand, regardless of location.
  • Supports the talent’s career goals with greater visibility and access to exciting jobs and networking opportunities.
  • Elevates the standards excellence for digital talent acquisition and enablement.

Randstad Digital Torc is setting benchmarks for the future of talent acquisition by fostering a more connected, inclusive, efficient developer ecosystem.

If you’re a business seeking nearshore digital talent and/or a skilled technology professional looking for your next big break, join the Torc Community <hyperlink Torc Community to the sign up page). 


Transforming Global Talent Sourcing: Unveiling the Benefits of Torc’s Integration with Randstad Digital

The recent acquisition of Torc by Randstad Digital marks a significant milestone in the evolution of global talent sourcing. It brings together Torc’s innovative AI-powered talent marketplace with Randstad Digital’s extensive expertise in digital transformation and global talent services.


In today’s dynamic business landscape, attracting and retaining highly skilled talent is paramount for success. However, the traditional approach to recruitment - sifting through resumes and conducting countless interviews - is time-consuming, subjective, and ultimately produces inferior outcomes. This is where AI comes in, transforming the talent acquisition process with intelligent matching capabilities in talent marketplace platforms.

AI-Powered Talent Matching

AI algorithms play a critical role in the success of modern talent marketplace platforms. These algorithms analyze vast amounts of data from both job seekers and businesses, including skills, experience, education, company culture, and past performance. By identifying patterns and correlations within this data, AI creates more effective matches between candidates and open positions. A Mercer report underscores this point, highlighting how 40% of companies leverage AI for “employer-centric matching,” proactively sourcing and engaging talent that aligns with their specific needs.

  • Increased Visibility to a Wider Candidate Pool: Gone are the days of relying solely on job boards and personal networks. AI-powered marketplaces unlock a global pool of qualified candidates, significantly expanding talent search reach.
  • Reduced Bias in Candidate Selection: Traditional hiring methods can be susceptible to unconscious bias. AI algorithms focus on objective data points like skills and experience, ensuring a more equitable hiring process that attracts the most qualified candidates.
  • Engagement and Retention of Employees: Smart AI matching fosters a more positive candidate experience by connecting individuals with opportunities that align with their skill sets and career aspirations. This leads to higher-quality hires and boosts employee engagement and retention.
  • Automation of Repetitive Tasks: AI streamlines the hiring process by automating repetitive tasks such as resume screening and initial candidate assessments. A Leoforce study demonstrates the efficiency gained through AI, revealing a 38% reduction in time spent on manual sourcing tasks by companies using AI-powered software. This allows recruiters to focus on the more strategic aspects of hiring.

Torc’s Intelligent Talent Marketplace 

At Torc, we connect developers worldwide with global organizations, and specialize in matching nearshore developers with US companies. The Torc platform utilizes sophisticated algorithms to understand the specific needs of both businesses and developers. Torc leverages AI to facilitate successful matches by:

  • Matching Developers with Precise Technical Skills - analyzing a developer’s skill set based on their experience, certifications, code samples, and past project contributions on platforms like GitHub. This allows businesses to connect with developers that have the exact technical skills required for projects.

  • Uncovering Hidden Gems - AI goes beyond resumes to uncover promising candidates who may not have a traditional background. For example, AI can identify developers with exceptional problem-solving skills or a strong aptitude for learning new technologies, even if their formal education or work experience doesn’t perfectly match the job description.

  • Predicting Long-Term Success - to consider cultural fit and long-term potential. By analyzing data on past placements and employee performance, AI can predict how well a developer will integrate into a company’s culture and contribute to its success over time.

Hire Faster and Develop Stronger Teams

Torc’s AI-powered talent marketplace platform empowers businesses to fill open positions more quickly by identifying the best candidates from a large talent pool. It provides access to pre-vetted developers who have participated in rigorous technical assessments, saving companies valuable time and resources during the hiring process. 

Torc’s commitment also goes beyond finding the right fit. The talent platform enables businesses to maximize the potential of developers by providing mentorship and collaboration opportunities, fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth to achieve long-term success.


The rise of AI in talent acquisition signifies a paradigm shift in the way businesses approach recruitment. AI-powered talent marketplaces, like Torc, offer a compelling solution for companies seeking to attract and retain top-tier talent. By leveraging sophisticated AI algorithms for intelligent matching, Torc’s talent platform empowers businesses to streamline the hiring process, reduce bias, and build stronger, more successful development teams. 

Ready to harness the power of AI for your next hiring decision? Visit and learn how platform AI can help you find the perfect developer.


The AI Factor: How Talent Marketplaces Use Technology for Intelligent Matching

In today’s dynamic business landscape, attracting and retaining highly skilled talent is paramount for success. However, the traditional approach to recruitment - sifting through resumes and conducting countless interviews - is time-consuming, subjective, and ultimately produces inferior outcomes. This is where AI comes in, transforming the talent acquisition process with intelligent matching capabilities in talent marketplace platforms.

AI talent

In today’s digital age, remote work has become the new norm for many companies and teams. While this shift offers numerous benefits, such as increased flexibility and reduced overhead costs, it also presents unique challenges in maintaining team productivity and engagement. Effective collaboration and communication are crucial for remote teams to thrive in a virtual work environment. 

Understanding Remote Teams

One of the primary challenges faced by remote teams is the lack of face-to-face interaction and the potential for communication barriers. Remote team members may feel disconnected and isolated without the opportunity for casual hallway conversations or impromptu brainstorming sessions. Additionally, time zone differences can further complicate communication and coordination efforts.

Strategies for Improving Remote Team Productivity

Set Clear Expectations and Goals

To foster productivity in a remote team, it is essential to establish clear expectations and goals from the outset. Defining roles and responsibilities ensures that each team member understands their contribution to the overall project. Furthermore, establishing clear performance metrics allows for effective monitoring and evaluation of progress.

Leverage Technology Tools

In a virtual work environment, technology tools play a pivotal role in facilitating communication, collaboration, and productivity. Utilizing platforms such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and project management software can help bridge the physical distance between team members and streamline workflows.

Tools to increase productivity and track progress are also proving beneficial to increased engagement, productivity, and performance. Codealike, an innovative AI-powered tool, provides actionable insights into coding patterns, enables developers to stay focused, alleviates technical debt, and more effectively enhances collaboration. With features like the "Focus Curve" and "Dispersion Map," developers can identify periods of peak productivity and minimize interruptions, allowing for more efficient deep work sessions.

Encouraging Engagement, Motivation

Virtual Team Building Activities

While remote teams may lack physical proximity, fostering a sense of camaraderie and team spirit is crucial for maintaining motivation and engagement. Virtual team building activities, such as online games, virtual happy hours, or shared interest groups, can help foster meaningful connections and strengthen team dynamics.

Recognizing and Rewarding Achievements

Celebrating individual and team successes is essential for boosting morale and motivation in a remote work environment. Implementing recognition programs, such as employee of the month awards or public acknowledgments during team meetings, can help remote team members feel valued and appreciated for their contributions.

Effective Communication in Remote Teams

Best Practices for Virtual Meetings

Virtual meetings are a cornerstone of remote team collaboration. To ensure productive and engaging meetings, it is essential to establish clear agendas, encourage active participation, and leverage tools like screen sharing and virtual whiteboards. Additionally, fostering an environment of active listening and respectful communication can help mitigate potential misunderstandings.

Building Rapport and Trust

Trust and rapport are fundamental for effective teamwork, and building these elements in a remote setting requires intentional effort. Encouraging open and honest communication, actively listening to team members' concerns, and creating opportunities for informal social interactions can help foster trust and strengthen team bonds.

Measuring, Tracking Remote Team Productivity

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Remote Teams

To effectively monitor and optimize remote team productivity, it is essential to establish relevant KPIs. These metrics may include task completion rates, code quality metrics, customer satisfaction scores, or any other relevant measures aligned with the team’s goals and objectives.

Monitoring and Adjusting Strategies

Regularly reviewing and analyzing performance data is crucial for identifying areas for improvement and adjusting strategies as needed. Continuous feedback loops and open communication channels can help remote teams adapt and refine their processes for optimal productivity.

Utilizing Codealike to Analyze Productivity Patterns

Codealike’s advanced analytics capabilities provide valuable insights into developers’ coding patterns, enabling teams to identify areas of technical debt, track productivity levels, and make data-driven decisions to enhance overall efficiency. By leveraging Codealike’s features, such as the “Burn Up Chart” and “Team Activities Metrics Comparison,” remote teams can comprehensively understand their productivity landscape and implement targeted strategies for improvement.


The AI-driven Torc platform offers powerful solutions to accelerate remote development teams and enhance productivity. Codealike provides valuable insights and analytics to help developers stay focused, tackle technical debt, and collaborate more effectively, ultimately driving increased productivity and efficiency within remote teams.

By embracing the synergy between Torc’s talent acquisition and engagement expertise, and Codealike’s productivity-enhancing capabilities, companies unlock the full potential of remote teams, fostering an environment where innovation, collaboration, and success thrive in the virtual realm.


Remote Team Productivity: How to Thrive in a Virtual Work Environment

In today’s digital age, remote work has become the new norm for many companies and teams. While this shift offers numerous benefits, such as increased flexibility and reduced overhead costs, it also presents unique challenges in maintaining team productivity and engagement. Effective collaboration and communication are crucial for remote teams to thrive in a virtual work environment. 

Productivity torc

Companies are constantly seeking innovative strategies to streamline processes, optimize workflows, and empower their workforce to achieve optimal results. Here at Torc, we believe that fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace is a powerful approach to unlocking significant productivity gains.

Diverse Perspectives and Productivity are Innovation Boosters 

Diversity encompasses a wide range of factors, including race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic background, experience, and skillset. When building teams, prioritizing diversity ensures access to a broader talent pool, enriching the organization with a wider range of perspectives and experiences. This rich tapestry of viewpoints fuels innovation and problem-solving.

Diversity alone, however, is not enough. To truly unlock the potential of a diverse workforce, companies must cultivate an inclusive environment where all employees feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute unique talents and perspectives. 

Consider a product development team tasked with creating a new software application. A team composed solely of engineers with similar backgrounds might overlook potential user needs or fail to anticipate specific challenges faced by diverse user groups. However, a team incorporating designers, marketers, and engineers from varied backgrounds can leverage unique knowledge and experiences to create a more comprehensive, user-centric product. 

A diverse, inclusive workplace fosters a culture of innovation that leads to more effective solutions.

At Torc, we integrate these insights into our business model by leveraging our AI-powered talent platform. One example is matching US companies with highly skilled, productive nearshore talent from Latin America. This approach not only enhances diversity within our clients teams but also ensures they benefit from the rich perspectives and innovative ideas that a cross-section of talent brings to the table. 

Further, it fosters diversity and inclusion within the developer community by removing demographic and geographic factors from the equation and focusing instead on productivity and quality of work. Leaning into these key performance indicators ensures that every developer is evaluated on skills and contributions rather than background or location. This objective approach creates a level playing field, allowing all talent to thrive and bringing together varied perspectives that drive innovation and success in every project.

Fostering an Inclusive Environment

Employees who feel supported by their managers and colleagues are more likely to contribute their best efforts and remain with the company. According to BCG, employees who believe their managers support them have a 4% attrition risk compared to a 17% attrition risk for those who do not. 

Evidence supports the positive impact of diversity and inclusion on performance and ROI, and that it extends beyond a healthy work environment. According to LinkedIn, inclusive teams are over 35% more productive, while research by Cloverpop indicates that diverse teams make better decisions 87% of the time. This translates to a significant advantage in today’s competitive landscape.

Furthermore, promoting an inclusive culture and workplace strengthens employer branding, which attracts a wider pool of technology talent and keeps them for longer periods of time. Research from LinkedIn indicates that employers that actively showcase diversity in job postings receive 26% more applications from women. According to BCG, employees who feel their perspectives matter are nearly 2.4 times less likely to quit. This translates into significant cost savings when it comes to attrition and recruitment.


Diversity and inclusion are not just ethical imperatives; they are business imperatives that drive productivity, innovation, and overall performance. At Torc, we have seen firsthand the transformative impact they have on workplace productivity and morale. Our AI-powered platform is designed to help companies build diverse, global teams that drive speed, quality and innovation into every step of talent engagement and digital enablement processes. By partnering with Torc, companies not only meet staffing and digital transformation needs but also promote a culture of community and inclusivity that supports long-term success.


Diversity, Inclusion Drive Workplace Productivity

Companies are constantly seeking innovative strategies to streamline processes, optimize workflows, and empower their workforce to achieve optimal results. Here at Torc, we believe that fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace is a powerful approach to unlocking significant productivity gains.

DE&I Torc
In the fourth interview spotlight with members of the Torc team I spoke with VP of Talent Operations Mark Bosma about his background before joining Torc, key strategy for matching talent with jobs, top tip for job seekers, and more.

Q: Starting off, can you tell me about your background pre-Torc?

A: My background is in engineering and computer science, which I went to school for. After that, my early career was spent building high-performance Linux systems for universities and government labs. I later built websites hosted on Linux servers, gained an interest in online marketing, and started doing sales for a company I had previously marketed for. The mix of sales experience and technical background got me into the talent marketplace industry. I've experienced leading sales teams and doing operations at marketplaces for 10 years.

I started at Torc after a mutual friend introduced me to Torc’s CEO, Mike Morris. Mike connected with this friend of mine and explained that he was looking for somebody to help with operations at the company. That's how it came to be. 

Q: What's your key strategy for matching talent with jobs? 

A: The key strategy for matching talent with jobs is understanding the technical requirements. You have to know what is needed for the job. You should also be aware of personal requirements. You must appreciate the vision of who and what the client is looking for. The same bullet points in a job description could be two different types of people, depending on the company and who they're looking for. 

You might have a startup founder who's looking for somebody completely different to what a mid-sized corporation is looking for. A person who is going to jump into a startup environment, fill multiple roles within the company, and be willing to take on more every single day, is not the same person who is ideal for a larger, more structured team.

Q: What metrics define a successful match? 

A: There are a couple of perspectives to consider. 

From the perspective of Torc, we want to match people to a position as quickly as possible.

From the client's perspective, it’s about how quickly we could find a qualified person. And, how quickly can that person ramp up when they start working with them? Are they a fit for the client's needs? 

And from the talent's perspective, are they quickly getting an opportunity once they start looking for work? Were they able to proceed through the matching process efficiently? And then, do they feel that they are a fit for the team for the duration of the project or longer term goal? Do they feel like they can contribute and grow with the client over time? Those are things that they would be looking for.

 Q: What is your biggest challenge in talent operations? 

A: I think the biggest challenge in talent operations is that regardless of the level of automation, and the level of technology that you are leveraging, there are multiple customers to serve at the same time (talent and enterprise). This means there are two sides to the equation where there are specific personality traits, preferences, vacations, and scheduling ideas. You have to understand that's going to be the case and embrace it.

I think the companies that try and disregard that, the companies that try and treat talent acquisition processes as a soulless machine, are the ones that ultimately don't have success. 

Q: How do you manage quality across international talents?

A: The same way that you manage quality across any talent pool. There are baseline requirements for skills and capabilities. You can measure these with automated tests and AI. You can measure them with technical coding interviews, screening calls, and more. The international component can impact language communication skills, along with time zone and the working shift a person might need to be involved with, which can be things to consider.

Q: How do you anticipate and meet evolving client needs?

A:  Anticipation of client needs relies on the relationship that you have with the client. If you do not build a solid relationship with your client, you're not going to be able to anticipate what their needs are, because they're simply not communicating with you about those needs before they arise.

If you have a solid relationship with your client base, they are much more likely to mention future needs to you before they become a reality. That gives us time as a marketplace to build and work with the community, to ensure that we have the base of candidates they are going to need when they come to us ready to hire.

You have to understand the trends in the marketplace. You have to understand that AI and machine learning are here to stay. They're growing, they're going to be a continuing point of demand on the client side. The community has to evolve to meet that demand. That's going to be the same for dealing with the changing needs of both existing clients and new clients

Q: How does Torc attract and keep top talent?

A: This goes back to the founding team within Torc and the approach that we take toward our community. Torc has an inclusive, far-reaching community of individuals who are very interested in looking for work and growing their careers. We understand that there is more to the community than just getting people a job, and I think that is an attitude that permeates through the entire culture of Torc and doesn't exist at many other marketplaces, which are often solely focused on getting bodies in seats for the client.

We typically look for long-term, full-time, stable opportunities for our talent. We also take an approach where we check in with both the talent and the client regularly to ensure that everything is going well. We're sharing feedback and ideas. We're helping them with best practices. We're helping them grow in their careers continuously while engaged with clients. Some enterprise teams are better managed than others. We help level the playing field and make sure our developers are getting the support they need to continue being successful and deliver high quality work.

Q: What is your top tip for job seekers on Torc?

A: Make sure you have a Torc profile that is complete, comprehensive and well-written. That's going to improve our platform's ability to surface you when the an appropriate job opening comes. This extends to your contact information, too. If you include your phone number, WhatsApp, email address, and LinkedIn profile, we can easily let you know we have a job opportunity for you. The easier you are to contact and the more complete your profile, the better your chances of getting hired.

All of those things that make it feel very professional, but also very personal, and those are the things that stand out to clients when comparing candidates side by side. Improving your Torc profile will have a huge impact on your ability to find a job.

Mark’s adherence to the importance of matching developers with the right clients, and vice-versa, highlights both his and Torc’s dedication to ensuring that jobs are not merely filled, but filled right. Talent matching is a complex process with many personal, human elements on all ends of the spectrum to cater to. Mark’s clarity and focus towards the matching process shone through during our discussion and the methods of operation he utilizes are carefully measured.


Spotlight Interview with Torc VP of Talent Operations, Mark Bosma

In the fourth interview spotlight with members of the Torc team I spoke with VP of Talent Operations Mark Bosma about his background before joining Torc, key strategy for matching talent with jobs, top tip for job seekers, and more.

Torc Mark Bosma
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