
Introducing the Torc Productivity Award


developer looking over their code
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Calling all Torc developers. If you aren’t using Codealike yet you are missing an opportunity to earn  extra money and peer recognition across the Torc Community!

We’re excited to announce the first of a set of new awards to recognize and reward the most productive Torc developers–the Torc Productivity Award.

What is the Torc Productivity Award?

A monthly award given to the Torc developer at the top of the Codealike In the Zone leaderboard. The award winner will earn a $100 productivity bonus, a Productivity Award badge on your profile, recognition in the Dev Monthly Newsletter, a special highlight on our Productivity page, and the chance to win even more prizes for quarterly and annual productivity rankings. 🎉

Why did we create the award?

Our goal is to help developers thrive and build successful careers. A big part of that is helping talented developers find great jobs. But we know that a great job on its own != a thriving and successful career. Other key inputs are understanding how you work, improving your behavior to become even more productive, and clearly communicating the value of your work for your team and company. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered there too. 🙌

Codealike is a free tool from Torc that analyzes your behavior as a software developer and generates personalized insights to help you become a coding powerhouse and prove it with real data. Read more about it from our recent blog post and productivity page.

We created the Torc Productivity Award based for two reasons:

  1. We believe Codealike is a game changer for developers to understand and continually improve your productivity
  2. We believe the best and most productive developers should be recognized and rewarded for your hard work

How does it work?

To be eligible for the Torc Productivity Award, you must use Codealike and be placed on an engagement with a Torc customer. The monthly ranking is determined by the users with the most focus hours logged through Codealike during the award period, which runs from the last full week of the preceding month through the third full week of the current month (e.g., The award period for April 2023 is Sun. April 23,2023 through Sat. May 20, 2023).

At the end of the award period, we calculate the total number of focus hours for Codealike users placed on engagements with Torc customers and create a leaderboard. (We’re in the process of creating a public leaderboard so you can always follow your progress.) Each month, the winner will be notified with a request for a headshot and a short comment about how you achieved such high-productivity.

That’s it! Your productivity bonus will be included in your next Torc payment and your coding prowess will be highlighted in the next newsletter


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